Your guidance and flexibility has helped me be more patient and trust that it’s ok to back off. The main reason I was always injured before working with you was overextending too often.
— Amy D
The process is so great, learning so much, and feeling healthier + more fit than ever. Some sort of work like this towards personal/athletic goals was part of my life for so long, then missing. Great to have it back again via Get Running.
— Mark H
I just did 5miles… my longest run ever. It felt so fulfilling!! It was just amazing to realize, wait my body can do this?!!
— Grace G
If someone had told me 5 years ago that I was going to do 24x100m reps, I would have said they were crazy!
— Karl R
Having your support has been so great, this is really the most consistent I’ve ever been!
— Emily P
The workout variety was EXCELLENT. I felt engaged every week and am so glad I have 6 consistent months of training under my belt.
— Mary H