Goal Setting for 2020
I’ve been thinking about goal setting, you know, since the year/decade is fresh and new. In college, I used to write down 10 goals at the beginning of each semester and then keep a journal to help track my progress and consistency with them. I definitely don’t have time for a written journal any more, but I still keep track of goals via a bullet journal-Thanks to Colleen Quigley for the idea! (Here’s a FREE Printable one for you to try!).
I write down 1-3 big goals… OUTCOME goals such as:
1-Qualify for the Olympic Trials. 2-Consistent Running for the year. 3-Get back to racing. (These can include anything that is important to you this year… run a PR, Age Group Win, Qualify for Boston, Run 10 miles Without Stopping, Do My First 5k… whatever is exciting and something that will get you out the door on hard days.)Then I print off the Bullet journal, and each month I write supporting goals/habits that I can strive for daily that help me reach that big outcome goal. These are called PROCESS goals.
I usually have 3-10 going each month but they’re little attainable things. Here is what I did the month of December as I was preparing for the Houston Marathon.
1-Bed by 9pm. 2-Take Vitamins. 3-Limited Dairy (I have developed a sensitivity to dairy since having Athens). 4-No Alcohol. 5-Core/Strength/Mobility work. 6-Recovery/Rolling/Stretching/Yoga. 7-Emphasis on Hydration. 8-Lay down for 30min per day. (These process goals can be anything that you think you need to incorporate most days into your routine to help your body be ready to meet the big outcome goal.)
Let me know if you try it! I am so excited to have a fresh start and a new outlook on training this year. 2019 did not go my way, but that’s ok. I am learning and adapting and having fun with running and that is what matters. Now let’s all Get Running towards those goals.